
      The Problem

      Goals & Objectives


The East Corridor design team will fully explore the re-design of the IH 30 and US 80. This process is anticipated to last approximately 36 months and will entail the completion of Preliminary Design Schematics and an Environmental Assessment. Particular aspects include the evaluation of all social, economic, environmental, hydraulic impacts; traffic management and cost-effectiveness of alternatives/alignments; strategies and means necessary to achieve local, regional, state and national transportation goals, and financing of the same.

IH 30 and US 80 transportation solutions will involve sufficient research, analysis and community input to evaluate a range of viable/feasible geometric and aesthetically-sensitive alternatives, including a no-build (do-nothing) alternative. Other possibilities to be considered are modes/technologies, alignment exploration, toll- operated facilities, added travel lane capacity, and management/operational characteristics and constructability. Consideration for added community integration will also entail any designs and objectives submitted to The East Corridor team from partnering cities/towns addressing added alternatives such as enhancements to major streets crossing the IH 30 and US 80 study area, (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) DART light rail lines, bus park-n-rides lots and routes and bicycle networks.

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