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Public and agency participation is a vital aspect of The East Corridor. The study will involve individuals, neighborhoods, community, business, and special interest groups, agency representatives, and policy leaders.

Meetings and activities will be scheduled to coincide with project milestones. The following goals will guide the public and agency involvement program:

•    Inform, educate and actively involve agencies and the public
•    Maintain accountability, credibility and responsibility throughout
      the study
•    Include traditionally under-served and under-represented groups
•    Strive for consensus among inevitable competing interests

Three work groups (described below) will provide input for consideration by the project team, policy leaders and TxDOT. Community involvement will guide the project development process. However, TxDOT will have the final decision-making responsibility.

Community Work Group - This work group is intended to provide broad-based representation of the community at-large. The group's primary role is to exchange project design information, concerns and ideas between interest groups and the study team. Additionally, the work group will monitor the study process from the community perspective and review study materials as they are developed. The Community Work Group includes non-governmental organizations such as business, civic, community, neighborhood, environmental, and recreation groups.

Staff Work Group - This group consists of transportation agency staff and other technical representatives. The group will provide technical support and guidance to the project.

Executive Work Group - This work group's role is to guide the development of the study and offer assessments to TxDOT and the design team. Additionally, the team will consider suggestions from the Community Work Group, review study materials as they are developed, and provide oversight of major activities associated with the project. The Policy Work Group is a group composed of political representatives and senior staff of local agencies considered to have a role in funding, permitting and processing transportation improvements within The East Corridor study area. We request your participation at Public Meetings to ensure the needs of the communities along IH 30 and US 80 are met. Check back frequently for more project information and email us with your questions and concerns.

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